Frequently Asked Questions

What is Microneedling?

SkinPen is the first FDA-cleared microneedling device that creates micro-channels (microscopic holes) at a rate of 1600 per second. These wounds stimulate your skin, kicking its healing process into high gear. Think of it like aerating your skin, as you do for your lawn prior to fertilizing. SkinPen rejuvenates from the inside out for younger looking skin with minimal downtime. Best of all, SkinPen doesn't rely on heat or chemicals, so the results are natural and safe for all skin tones and types.

Before the treatment:

Discontinue the use of retinoids, retin-A, or other products containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid at least 4-7 days before the treatment. Avoid sun exposure. If you active breakouts, you may need to be rescheduled. Recommended for acne scarring. Can be used in conjuction with PRP for optimal results.

During the treatment:

Appointment will last around 45 minutes. First the skin will be prepped and thoroughly cleaned. Topical numbing cream will be applies. There is little to no discomfort during treatment. Downtime could last a few days, PRP increases recovery time.

Immediate after care:

Do not work out for 48 hrs. Do not wear makeup for 24 hours. There are microchannels open on your skin. Do not wash face for at least 6 hours. Follow manufactures directions that will be sent home. Redness and swelling is common and will resolve in a day or two. light flaking is expected.


Microneedling can improve fine lines, acne scarring, appearance and texture of striae (stretch marks). Discoloration may also be improved with microneedling.